Australasian Plant Virology Workshop 2024
Crowne Plaza, Gold Coast. 29 - 31 October 2024
APPS Travel Bursaries
Thanks to the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, we have a number of travel bursaries available for early career and students to attend the Australasian Plant Virology Workshop at the Crowne Plaza, Gold Coast QLD from the 29 - 31 October 2024.
Student & Early Career Researchers
The Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) will provide bursaries for students and early career researchers (ECR) to attend either an APPS biennial conference or an APPS special interest group meeting during the non-biennial conference year. This includes applying for APVW this year which is not an APPS meeting year. ECRs must have been awarded a PhD within five years, or longer if combined with periods of significant career interruption. Applicants without PhD qualifications but with up to 10 years’ experience in the plant pathology industry are also considered as ECRs.
In most years, for the Biennial conference, the bursaries will be awarded as registration fee to the conference. That is $1500 for students or early career researchers (May cover: conference registration, flights and accommodation). If attending from the local area then conference registration only will be awarded. APPS membership is not a requirement to apply; however you will be expected to join in order to accept the bursary.
Up to 2 applicants will be chosen per region.
Further details in this link Plant pathology
Reminder you must be an APPS member to apply:
If not:
​Closing date 30th June 2024
All applications must go to the APPS Executive Secretary as per the Bursary link above.
If you need assistance please reach out to your local APPS Regional Councillor: